Monday 10 September 2007

Tofu: The final installment!

After a few days more of lounging and doing very little, we found a way to improve our piece of paradise - we moved to Turtle Cove. An even more chilled, laid back place that served delicious food including our fave, Sushi. Our idyllic lifestyle continued until the Bennett v Mosquito wars entered into a new phase: Weapons of Mass destruction.

After reaching pretty much a level playing field something had to give if either side wanted to win the war. So, us Bennetts got a weapon of mass destruction - basically a tennis bat with an electric current running through the middle so when squatting mozzies it lets off a satisfying 'zap' noise and fries the little beggars. Very very effective. Our killing spree leapt into treble figures with me (Vicky) proving to be the weapon of mass destruction master. Recognising me (again Vicky) as a formidable foe, the mozzies used their weapon of choice - malaria.

Despite taking mind bending, poisoning chemicals to prevent malaria the force was strong in the mozzies and one of them managed to drop off it's little parasite into my blood steam. After feeling a bit ropey for a couple of days we decided to get the malaria test as out here it's what people do. Mine proved positive. But out here malaria is pretty much like the common cold. In fact maybe more easily treated. So, after taking prescribed medicine for three days and taking it easy I returned to fighting form (Howard - as ever, you were a star and thank you for your assistance). A few days ago I took another malaria test which came out negative - yeah!! Fully recovered (so no one need worry at all, ok?!). The mozzies may have given me malaria but i recovered and nothing short of a miracle will bring them back to life after frying on our weapon of mass destruction - ha!!

Anyhoo, back on my feet we wanted to make sure we left Tofu with nothing but good memories so we changed our plans a little and spent a few more days diving and going on snorkelling safaris. This paid off, Phil dived in the best conditions Tofu had ever seen and we got to swim with whale sharks (they are massive!!) and have very close encounters with hump back whales and dolphins.

And then it was time to move on. We got the bus back to Maputo (incredibly uncomfortable 7 hour journey but lots of chattering locals to keep us entertained- on one previous bus journey a very drunk lady spent the hour propositioning Phil!) where we spent the night eating pizza, eating cake and drinking beer. Maputo certainly seemed a busier place after spending over two weeks in Tofu!

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