Tuesday 16 October 2007

Mt Meru

We made it! 2nd highest mountain in Tanzania just Kilimanjaro, the biggy, to go. Starting that tomorrow (Wednesday - it takes 7 days to get to the summit and back).

Mt Meru is really nice. One of the best treks we ever done. The trek takes you through Grass land full of giraffes, zebras and buffalo on the first day up to 2500m. The second day you get treated to rain forest with amazing trees and flowers all over the place because the rains are starting here now, and leopards roam around so the ranger has to carry a gun. We got to 3500m that day and then walked on up to 3800m to visit 'little meru' and then back to camp.

Camp by the way is not a suitable word for it. We thought we needed tents, but when we arrived it was a private room with comfy matresses and even showers! Not exactly roughing it.

The next day is supposed to start at 2am. But that means you have to walk the ridge in the dark and miss the views. So we persuaded our guide we were strong enough to start late and get day break on the ridge. There was much muttering and warnings of the sun coming up and the air getting thinner and us not making it. But we opted for the extra sleep anyway. Ironically Vicky was so excited and high on sugary food that she only slept for an hour. The walk is supposed to take 5-6 hours to reach the top. We covered it in 4 and a half hours with 12 Pee breaks, (determined not to get dehydrated and once the seal is broken...) 3 photo stops, and a very slow speed overtaking manouvre excecuted upon the wussy group that left 2 hours earlier than us. Are we smug, you bet, the wussy group kept us awake talking loudly and drinking and then woke us up again when they left at 2am. We asked them if they felt ok in a sort of condecending way, SMUG SMUG SMUG...

The walk follows a ridge looking down into a crater, it's a bit like Snowdon horse shoe but 4 times the size and with a volcamo in the middle instead of a lake. It has an 'other world' like feel to it with black volcanic sands and fabulous views over to Kilimajiro. We walked this part as the sun was raising and the colour of the moutains was spectacular.

We got back down in 2 and a half hours and then back to the first camp in another hour and a half. The sun was baking hot when we arrived and we really wanted a cold drink, sadly the previous group going up the mountain had drunk everything so we had to make do with ht chocolate since the water had to be boiled before we could drink it. Refreshing it was not! We both had cold showers after and felt much better for it.

Summit of the mountain

The Big K in the distance.

Mt Meru is 4650m and we were really pleased to find that altitude wasn't really an issue and after our trek through the Usamabara mountains we are pretty damn fit! We were very well looked after by our tour guides and any hope we had of shifting a few pounds on the way up were shattered when we realised that every meal would be a three course feast! The guides also know what they are doing and make you walk 'pole, pole' which means 'slowly, slowly'. The speed really was slow until our last day and even then it was slower than we'd walk in the UK, but it worked to get us up to the summit!

This trek should hopefully put us in good shape for conquering Kilimanjiro. We are going with the same trekking company who took us up Meru so we'll be very well looked and shall enjoy lots of nice food what ever happens! Tune in next Thursday to see if we made it!

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