Tuesday 18 December 2007

Top 5's for Africa

Top 5 things phil loved:

  • Kayaking the Zambezi, just too good to miss, KAVU DAY!
  • Diving in Tofo, Mozambique. They have so many huge fish there, whale sharks, turtles, moray eels, grouper. And one day I got water so clear it was like an aquarium.
  • The view of Mt Meru crater as the dawn light changed from amber to white.
  • Kayaking on the Nile special wave.
  • Having a mobile phone. There were one or two times when we would have been gutted not to be able to call. (Telling me to "take it idiot, you'll want it if you need to call home or if people need to reach you" was the best advice you ever gave me Mike, Cheers.)

Top 5 things vicky loved:

  • Kilimanjiro, both of us fulfilling the challenge I'd set us two years before in such style and amongst spectacular scenery still makes me feel a bit emotional. Also, against the odds it was very good fun spending half the day in the tent with Phil when it was pouring down with rain. All of it being a very special memory.
  • Finding ourselves surrounded by about 50 elephants ranging from babies to mature adults in the Serengeti. Elsewhere in this park if there is a hint of animal activity it is surrounded by hundreds of cars in a matter of minutes. However, we had this scene to ourselves for about half an hour.
  • Gorilla trekking in the beautiful Virunga volcanoes.
  • Rafting the Nile.

Things Phil will miss:

  • Traveling on the top (or back) of vehicles out in the open air. There is just no finer way to get around, you get the views, you get to meet the locals, you have to hold on… it makes me smile every time.
  • That moment which comes along every few weeks, when you realize someone is being genuinely, go out of their way for you, kind of nice. They're not going to ask for money and you know it'd be rude to offer, but you're in a foreign country, could use the help and it'll make them feel good too.

Things Vicky will miss:

  • Friendliness of people. If you walk past people they nearly always say hello. Walking down the streets of England is going to seem a very lonely place after being here.
  • Between 5pm and sunset when there is always a hive of activity amongst the local community. The kids come back from school, the farmers return from the fields and the villagers all get back together again. At that time of day there is such a buzz about the place.
  • Unpredictability of Africa. Be it the people, views, food, drink, Africa has never ceased to surprise me.
  • The weather. I love the sunshine!
  • The stunning African countryside
  • Journeys on public transport - great way to meet and see locals although often also quite a bumpy experience!

Things Phil won't miss:

  • Bed nets. They're dusty, they drape over your face, Vicky makes me tuck them in with military precision and you always get bitten anyway cos some part of you is touching them (usually my elbow). I'd call them an evil creation of Satan if it wasn't for the ……..
  • Mozzies… Evil creations of SATAN!!!
  • Hot weather. Sleeping under a duvet is a much underrated luxury.
  • Touts, flycatchers, kids wanting a pen, beggars, people missing the point of tipping and asking for a tip, but mostly the phrase, "hello, how are you?" said in that tone of voice I've come to associate with people who want to relieve me of my wallet (or at least part of it’s contents.)
  • Road dust. Tarmac is great, dirt roads leave you with the kind of dry amber airbrushed look that doesn't come off you or your clothes till the second wash.

Things Vicky won't miss:

  • Malaria
  • Mosquitoes. They can't get enough of Vicky blood it seems.
  • Ants. They get everywhere even into seemingly air packed boxes/jars!
  • Dust
  • People trying to con you out of money be it through scams or asking ridiculous prices.
  • Painfully slow internet connections.

Things Phil is looking forward to back in the UK:

  • Seeing family and friends is a cop out answer but, I can't wait to meet Oliver Andrew Hay. (Hey Keith, Hey Helen, congratulations! see you soon)
  • Different clothes, jeans in particular. I've worn Jeans at some point almost every day for about 15 years, and after 5 months without them, I remember why.
  • Having a kitchen. Haven't been able to cook properly for 5 months, hotel menu's never have beans on toast on them when you want it. (Also bread in Africa is sweet, it's just wrong!
  • Fast internet connection

Things Vicky is looking forward to back in the UK:

  • Maybe a cop out but can't wait to see family and friends again, in particular our nephew Harry.
  • The christmas atmosphere. We've hopefully missed all the crap bits and will just get the best bits
  • New clothes. The ones I have out here are now well battered and I'm SICK of only having the choice of two shirts to wear on an evening.
  • Phil's cooking.
  • A choice of good wines.

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