Monday 21 April 2008

Sandboarding is a very messy sport!

After Cuzco we set off to Huachina which is a little oasis resort in the middle of massive sand dunes. We'd booked into a nice hotel with a pool and spent a relaxing few days soaking up the sun, swimming and sandboarding.

It was the first time either of us had been amongst sand dunes and we were both struck by just how huge they were. Even after we'd been there a day, the sight of these sand mountains looming above us struck us as such an unusual view.

The day we spent sandboarding was excellent! First of all we were strapped into a sand buggy which sped up, down, across, over and around the sand dunes. After the first few seconds of the journey we all quickly got a better understanding of just how fast and bumpy the ride was going to be so we all took off our hats and reached for our seatbelts to tighten them up that little bit more!

Our driver clearly took a great delight from throwing his passengers around in the back. I suspected he was slightly crazy as he always seemed to be the only driver who attempted the really steep dunes either with or without us. It was like been on a massive roller coaster and as anyone who has ever been on a rolller coaster with me could confirm, I scream like a baby. Pretty much the whole way round but particuarly when we went over a blind summit. Even when I knew we were approaching a scary bit and I told myself I wouldn't scream I still did much to Phil's amusement and my shame!

The buggy took us to the top of a steep sand dune where we then waxed our boards and boarded our way down the hill. As we've done quite a bit of snow boarding we were curious to see how it compared. Well, it was certainly a lot messier! Sand got absolutely everywhere (particuarly as i'd only just applied sun cream) although landings were a lot softer. It was very good fun but as the board tended to dig itself into the sand we weren't really going anywhere fast and it was pretty difficult to turn. So, we sat on the board and used it as a sledge instead.

I had been given the wax at one point to look after for the group in case it needed reapplying after the first slope. On approaching the second slope and left to myself I absolutely plastered my board with wax. I then intended to board over to one of the other chaps who wanted some wax. However, the wax made me go a bit faster than planned and I flew past the rest of the group trying to slow myself down with my feet but actually only ensuring I created a massive sand cloud that blew back in my face. Looked most amusing according to Phil.

The last run was the steepest and Phil and I decided to have a race. The guides convinced us that rather than sitting on the board it was better to lie on it on your belly head first. So we gave it a go. They were right, it was a lot faster and so hysterical! Phil won the race but only because my board was going so fast I kept skidding sideways (got some nice friction burns on my arms as a result!).

The dune we went down on our bellies.

Needless to say, by the end of the day we were completely coated with sand but grinning as much as our crazy buggy driver (I screamed from the buggy ride on the way home too.....).

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