Friday 24 August 2007


Part 2
Still in Tofu, have tried surfing a few times with little success, though Vicky got stood up a few times. There's been a strong on shore wind most days so it's all to choppy. More diving tomorrow. Other than that, we've pretty much sat on the pristine beach in front of the turquoise ocean thinking about how tough life is here. There was a cloud in the sky one day, so we went to the local town to re-stock with nice grub. We're leaving on the 4th Sept when we'll be heading for another idyllic coastal location, followed by a marine reserve for more diving.

Part 1
We left Maputo last Sunday and have now spent five days here in Tofu surfing, diving and chilling amongst white sands and turquoise seas. Humpback wales are currently swimming in our bay and this morning Phil snorkelled with whale sharks and dived with Devil Rays and saw a Manta Ray and turtle close up from the boat. We went diving yesterday and heard the hump back whales singing to each other. Very surreal. King prawns are caught daily and are cheaper than a coke so phil is inventing lots of ways to cook us up a treat. Last night he used two coconuts to cook us a thai dish. Yum yum. More diving planned for tomorrow then surfing the day after. Both rated as world class spots. We are going to spend another week here as when things are this good, why leave?!


Anonymous said...

Sounds fantasic

Anonymous said...

what are my mum and dad doing posting on your website? weird.

anyways, whats that annoying buzzing, is there a mosquito in here......