Saturday 12 April 2008



We've made it as far as Cusco.

Far nicer town than expected; cobbled streets, nice cafe's and demonstrations in the street to entertain you.

The demonstration was somthing to do with coco leaves, couldn't work out what. But it was fun to watch the riot police get confused. They all stood at the foot of the stairs, and all the demonstrators walked up in front of them and stopped. Then lots more demonstrators walked up behind them, so they ran off and put their backs to the wall. We also saw a street carnival, but we didn't have the camera with us, so no photo's for the blog.

But the main story of Cusco revolves around eating and drinking. It was our third anniversary on the 9th, So we went out drinking. Judging by our inability to walk home, strong cocktails and altitude are a dangerous mix,
Tradition has it that on a third wedding anniversary you should give something made of leather, or crystal depending on which website you believe. But we didn't really need anything, so we went out guinea pig eating instead..
It's a local delicacy here, and I can tell you, we both agree the tail is the best bit. Actually the photo is the best bit. The worst bit is the 3 days of running to the loo that Vicky endured.

She's better now so we have tickets for Machu Pichu tomorrow.

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