Tuesday 8 April 2008

Slow boat on Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca is 3800m up. It´s impossible to breathe normally there. If you walk up the street you´re out of breath, and even sitting around in the hotel you occasionally end up taking a big breath to recover from all that sitting. But it is a very pretty place. For all but 2 months of the year you get blue skies and little wind. So we decided to get a nice hotel room there and chill out for a few days.
We also went to visit the Isla del Sol where the Inca´s believe(d) that the sun was born. We weren´t convinced of that, but as we both got sunburnt for the first time since kilimanjaro, perhaps the gods are real and er... mildly vengeful on those that don´t believe. Probably not though, if the inca gods are real surely they would have stopped them calling the town "booby poo poo"? (Best name we´ve seen, except for the breakfast cerial here called Fanny, which promises 100% fruity flavour)

Anyway the isla was nice, we got dropped off by the boat at one end and walked down the island to get picked up at the other. The whole day would have been fantastic, except for the boat. It achieved walking pace, sometimes.... The rest of the time is could only manage "so infuriatingly slow you want to swin home" 2 hours eachway for a trip that would take 25mins if you had a slow, underpowered, overloaded, jetski. Actually I wish they had jetski´s, that would have been much more fun.
'traditional boat', exists now only to entertain tourists.
To to sort out our miseries, we went out for dinner, nacho´s, curry and 4 beers each left us happy and drunk. Really can´t drink anymore, especially at altitude, had a hangover and everything from roughly 3.5 pints.

Still having learned our lesson, we´re off to Cusco to celebrate our wedding anniversary and do ourselves some damage.....

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